Healthy Neighbourhoods

Walkable Sidewalks & Bike-able Streets (WSBS)

Walkable Sidewalks and Bikeable Streets (WSBS) means that children, seniors, and everyone in between should be able to get to where they need to go on foot or by bike.

WSBS makes Ward 10 better. Walking and biking are good for the environment and for our health. WSBS are a critical component of a high density, accessible downtown core where everyone can work, play, and access services.

Leah’s Commitments:

  • to establish a Ward 10 citizens’ committee that can work with engineers, city planners, and others to identify feasible traffic calming options for Ward 10
  • to work with residents and city officials to establish a plan for expanding dedicated bike lanes within and beyond Ward 10

Fresh Food First

Fresh Food First means having access to local food, to land for growing food. It also means supporting local food producers.

Fresh Food First makes Ward 10 better. We are what we eat. When we have access to fresh, local food, we can lead healthier lives. Consuming local food can strengthen the local economy and reduce the impact on the environment.

Leah’s Commitments:

  • to work with the Fredericton Food Centre, residents, and city officials to promote the use of urban green space for people, non-profit organizations and community groups to produce their own food in their own neighbourhoods
  • to explore the development and implementation of a curb-side composting program
We’d love your thoughts on these ideas and commitments – please share your comments below, or contact me to discuss!

Click here for Leah’s April 18th blog exploring Healthy Neighbourhoods further.


Check out more of Leah’s ideas: Affordable Living, Engaged Communities

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